FBS turns 16
Euro / New Zealand Dollar
Minimal spread
0.0002Typical spread
0.00034Current spread
0.00029Contract size (EUR)
100000Forex, also known as the foreign exchange or FX market, is the world's most traded market, with a $5.1 trillion daily turnover. In simple words, Forex trading is the process of converting one country's currency into another country's currency, aiming to profit from the changes in its value.
Please remember that it is better to choose trading instruments based on your trading strategy, level of knowledge, understanding of the particular market, and risk tolerance.
The Forex market is one of the easiest markets to enter with a relatively small deposit to start, flexible trading hours, and higher trading volume.
FBS, an online Forex broker, offers the most beneficial spreads starting from 0.5 points for volatile Forex pairs, such as EURUSD, XAUUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, and AUDUSD. Learn what moves the Forex market and start your trading journey with FBS now.
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